Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday Weigh Day

Well, let's cut to the chase - Last week was 173.8. Now it's back up to 175.2. I'm not a happy camper. You all know why. I'm not shocked to see the loss wasted. I'm disappointed in myself. I do have to shrug it off now though. You all are right, it's healthy habits we're forming, and an overall sticking to the plan.

I'm headed back to my parent's house today up in MT, and I'm excited to be 20 lbs lighter than the last time, even if I didn't make my goal of 30 lbs gone.

I'm going to try something new this week. I'm going to be a NO girl when it comes to food. I'm so good at saying NO to everything else in this world. Why can't I say NO when it comes to food? The one time I should actually be saying NO, I keep saying YES.
"Would you like 2nds?"
"Would you like this sugary snack right before bed time?"
"Would you like to have some of these fried bean burritos from the deli?"
(disgusting, I know, but I LOVE me some old nasty burritos drenched in ketchup.)
NO  NO  NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week, we are saying NO to unhealthy, and unneeded food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kristy said...

Good job on making a commitment to yourself! It's a hard road, but you can do it!

Sweet Lily said...
