1) No Soda
2) No Alcohol
3) No Fried Foods
4) No Snacking
5) Follow a simple strategy of eating Healthy
6) Exercise everyday. Organized or non.
I will exercise 60 min every day in various activities. 5 Days a week will be structured, where 2 days can be unstructured activities.
2nd 30 Day Challenge
1) Limited Daily Calorie intake
2) No miscellaneous snacking
3) No Fried Food.
4) Minimum Alcohol and Soda
5) Following a simple strategy of eating healthy.
I will exercise a min of 60 min 5 days a week in various activities. Some structure and some non. Strength training in each major zone once a week. Doesn't matter if it's all in one day, or spread out in two days.
Initial 30 Day Challenge
1) No Soda
2) No Alcohol
3) No Fried Foods
4) No Snacking
5) Follow a simple strategy of eating Healthy
I will exercise 60 min every day in various activities. 5 Days a week will be structured, where 2 days can be unstructured activities.