Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wonders of Life

Well, We have been hit hard with this little thing called life. Yesterday was a horrible day for my lil' family. Last Thursday my husband and I celebrated getting a positive pregnancy test. Most of you know that I've been trying to get pregnant for well over a year, and even had a miscarriage at the beginning of this year. Needless to say that we were so excited, but wanted to get some more news from the Dr before sharing. I was scheduled to go in for a blood test yesterday but canceled because I started bleeding. Not Pregnant. After getting our hopes up so high, this was SO hard to take. But that's ok, there will be another time.

So, I started off my day in a really bad way. But you'd be so proud of me. I stuck to my schedule!!! I was hurting so bad that I couldn't just sit around the house so I got out and went for a REALLY BAD run. I was having the worst time trying to breath, but I pushed through it, and I felt so much better once I stretched out at home. I also had my first scheduled strength training yesterday. Let me tell you how much I wanted to do that. NOT! But I did it! I stuck to my schedule. I am so proud of myself!!!

You will also notice that I had Zumba on my schedule to do. No, I did not get to Zumba. My wonderful husband came home from work and told me that he was let go from his job. BAM, another hole in my chest to try to piece together. WOW, what a night. So, no I did not get to Zumba last night. But being home with my family was more important.

So right now, my husband is calling his customers and has a job interview already lined up for Thursday (he's in sales). I know we'll be ok. But I hope it doesn't take too long. This is probably a blessing in disguise. He hated that company, and he was a real asshole when he came home from work. So now it's time for some new beginnings.

Please keep us in your thoughts as we travel down this road. If bad news travels in threes, as some say, I pray that our third isn't going to hurt so bad.


Karen@WaistingTime said...

I am so sorry, Lisa. My heart goes out to you and your family. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

You and your hubby are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lots of {{HUGS}} to you both!

Jessica said...

I'm praying for you and the fam.

Sarah said...

I'm sorry to hear about your loss, will be keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers!

Unknown said...

Lisa, that is terrible. I am so sorry to hear that!! I think you can give yourself a little bit of a break and just allow yourself to be off schedule if that's what you want!

I'm thinking of you :(

Bobbi Sharp said...

Gianormous HUGS!!! Praying that everything starts to look up for you soon.

Christina said...

sorry to hear about your day just remember everything happens for a reason and it may not make sense now but God has a plan for everything!!!

Candy kankles said...

HUG! Will keep you all in my prayers stay strong hun it will get better

Anonymous said...

((HUGS)) ... I am sorry to hear, I will be keeping you & your family in my thoughts.

Kristy said...

I am so sorry. I'm praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this. Stay strong. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, even if it doesn't seem that way at first. I hope these setbacks are just paving the way for an even better future for you.