Monday, May 2, 2011

Fitblogger Update

I guess it's time to update this week on my Fitblogger progress. This week's challenge was to find three things to be happy for, and a positive attitude (NO YELLING!!!) every day. How did I do? GREAT!!! Ok, so I had a few flare ups, and yelled at the kids a couple of times. I'm sorry, but I'm working on it. However, I've found more and more patience. I really did great overall. And, when my wonderful husband wasn't being so wonderful anymore, I was able to keep calm and remember the things that I love about him before reminding how stupid he's being.

As for the push ups and the sun salutations? My husband has decided to go about another rout in his quest for fitness so he's decided to leave the push up challenge behind. That means I pretty much have too. This is unfortunate but I just haven't seemed to remember to do them on my own. It's just one more thing to add to the list of EVERYTHING that I have to do. So I'm sorry but I'm letting that one go. The sun salutations are OK. I get them done once in a while. I like to do them.

What is my Fitblogger Challenge this week? I will keep up with the sun salutations, and the positive attitude and things to be happy for. But I'm adding one that I'm actually stealing from another Fitblogger. Faith, at I'm Too Sexy For This Fat, said this a couple of weeks ago and I feel that it's extremely important. My goal is to take my vitamins every day. So simple, and yet so important.


Stacy said...

Great goals! A positive attitude is really important in making changes.

Unknown said...

Vitamins are a hard one for mee too! Congrats on your acheivments! Stop in & read Healthy Living Plans if you have some time:)

Kelty said...

The vitamins are a great goal to achieve! They really are easy to forget!

Maria_NJ said...

Love the idea of the vitamins for a challenge, I'm in for that one too!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see there are others out there that have trouble remembering to take their vitamins.

Good luck with this weeks goals and thanks a bunch for the shout out!

Karen@WaistingTime said...

I hate swallowing pills so take adult chewable vitamins. Lame, I know, but gets it done now.